Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute

Foot and Ankle Arthritis: 7 Simple Ways to Ease Pain and Improve Mobility 

May 14, 2024
Foot and Ankle Arthritis: 7 Simple Ways to Ease Pain and Improve Mobility 
In honor of Arthritis Awareness Month this May, we’ve gathered seven easy-to-implement strategies to help ease the symptoms of joint inflammation. Keep reading to learn more!

May is Arthritis Awareness Month. That means it’s the perfect time to call attention to this condition. While arthritis can take many forms, it always stems from the same source: joint inflammation.  

If you’re living with any form of this condition — whether you have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or another type — some lifestyle changes can ease inflammation and reduce your symptoms. 

Because our team at Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute specializes in treating arthritis in the feet and ankles, we know what works. For a personalized treatment plan, visit us at our offices in American Fork or Saratoga Springs, Utah. 

#1: Making shoe changes

Correct footwear supports and cushions your inflamed joints. Our team can help you pick the proper footwear for your specific arthritis. In some cases, we might also recommend adding orthotics (customized shoe inserts). 

#2: Getting moving

Exercise strengthens the muscles around the affected joints, easing arthritis symptoms. However, too much activity can also worsen inflammation. Our team can help you find the right type and level of activity to support your joint health. 

#3: Wearing a brace 

This simple addition provides extra support as you move around, helping you navigate your day without adding stress to your joints. The right brace for you depends on the type of joint support you need. We can help you pick one out. 

#4: Using a cane or a walker 

Like a brace, a walker or cane can ease joint pressure as you stand and walk. It might make sense to use this additional support at certain times, like days when you know you’ll be on your feet a lot. 

#5: Physical therapy

Physical therapy strengthens the muscles around your feet and ankles. Your physical therapist can also teach you specific stretches and strengthening exercises you can use at home to continue working toward less pain and more mobility. 

#6: Anti-inflammatory medication

Because your arthritis symptoms stem from inflammation, targeting it with medications that address it makes a significant difference. We can help you find the right type of medication and the proper frequency of use for your specific symptoms. 

#7: Corticosteroid injections

If you’re ready to take your inflammation treatment to the next level, we can inject medication designed to reduce it. Corticosteroid injections can deliver a dramatic level of pain reduction. 

Clearly, you have a wide range of simple ways to improve your arthritis symptoms and quality of life during Arthritis Awareness Month and beyond. Our team can customize a treatment plan for you. To get started, contact our team at the Rogers Foot & Ankle Institute by calling (801) 756-4200.